California dairies are facing increased challenges to remain profitable. In addition, California has passed climate legislation (AB1383) to require a 40% reduction in methane emissions from dairy farms. COWPOWR is an opportunity to increase farm income and meet climate goals by producing renewable biogas energy from cow manure.
COWPOWR is about a group of dairy farms that are combining their resources to build, own, and operate income producing biogas systems. Our purpose is changing cow manure into sustainable clean energy and financial positives for our members and our communities.
We are organized as an agricultural marketing cooperative. We're targeted to smaller family farms that haven't had the opportunity to profit from dairy biogas opportunities. Our group is limited to dairies that agree to host a biogas digester and supply their flushed manure as feedstock. As a small cooperative, our members have direct input into operations and profit distribution. Details of our organization and by-laws are available upon request by clicking here.....